Let me be honest with you -
I have been a competitive athlete and after I quit I have tried almost every other sport - even fencing - only one session. Why - because I love very active sports.
But this was when I was younger.
Nowadays I am not that active - first because a lot of injuries, second - life gets in my way.
I am still very active but not as much as I want.
But as I am getting older and realizing that things are not getting better I decided to correct what is not correct as much as possible in order not to be in pain later - when I get even older.
So I started working on my posture and my moving patterns. Soon, I realized how much work I have to do.
But this is fine. I could manage this and it's not only good for my body but it's changing my appearance - double win.
But with workouts - I am having trouble.
I have tried classes - because of my competitive nature I would overdo it and stop.
I signed up for a gym - boring.
I signed for PIlates- got hurt.
I signed for Tabata - too much sweat and fast pace that I lost my form and if I have continued - I would be hurt.
Maybe excuses. I don't know, the only thing I know is that I want this, just had to find the right way for me - not to struggle, not to push, not to force.
So I decided to challenge myself - 5 days to stick to 5 exercises. Done.
Then I did this twice.
Morning routine before getting out of bed. Done.
And finally the taste for more came in place.
But this time without excuse, committed, consistent and determined to make it as my routine.
What is happening now - I will reveal in my next blog.
I want to share with you that I am finally following my dream - to do everything possible now to stay pain free as I age. With all the injuries I have had.
We recover, we heal but once hurt, it never gets perfect again.
I will be happy to inspire you to do the same - take care of your posture and movement patterns to enjoy a pain free body as you age as long as possible.
And I am not going to lie - as you read this you already know that I am struggling, I am having excuses, I am having ups and downs - - just like everybody else.
But I know what it is to be in pain, not being able to do what you want, miss work or an event you want to attend, feeling miserable, sorry for yourself - thinking about this freedom makes me jump right now and start my active routine.
But I am done for the day! Done my part!
Tomorrow, again!